Thursday 18 March 2021

Old Oswestry Racecourse

It's quite difficult to find new places to walk at the moment. Some of my usual places wo walk are in Wales and it's just not possible to go there even though I live less than 5 miles from the border. 

I've run out of things to photograph at the canal for the moment. Maybe in a few weeks when some more flowers are out I'll take a few more photos.

At the beginning of the month I decided to take Moss for a walk up to the Old Racecourse just on the outskirts of Oswestry up towards the Welsh border.

It's quite high up there so on a clear day you can get a good view of the surrounding countryside.

I bumped into a family up there and the lady said it was a beautiful spot when the bluebells are out so I will pop up again towards the end of April. I love bluebells and their heady smell.

 I need to investigate more walking spots close by.

Until then, bye for now.

Moss & Me xx

Tuesday 16 February 2021

More Signs of Spring

 Yesterday I went out for a walk to get some fresh air in my lungs and give Moss a much needed walk. Just a week ago he had a type of seizure. Scared the hell out of me. The vet reassured me Moss was okay and it's quite common in older dogs especially if they've been out in the cold. I didn't think that day was particularly cold but the following days were. Sub zero temperatures, so we didn't  go out much to Moss' disgust.

The canal  was still partly frozen. The boat was still afloat and everything was quiet. I miss the horse boat going out. I miss Cracker, I  miss Mike and Jill and Dave and John. I miss the jokes, the music, the canal tales and the customers. Hope we can take the boat out this year although it's  going to need a massive clean before we do. 

Here are a few photos and a few signs of spring.


The days are getting longer and the nights shorter. Roll on summer. This winter seems to have been very long and gloomy. 

Thursday 4 February 2021

What a Difference a Day Makes 24 January 2021


It's hard to believe that this is just a day later from my swan pictures. Snow, glorious snow. It was like stepping into Narnia. I half expected to see a lamp post in the woods along with Mr. Tumnus. Even though we didn't see them it was nonetheless total bliss and lovely to see so many families out with sledges enjoying themselves. Squeals of delight rang out across the field. But at the top of the coppice, nestled in the woods it was totally quiet. Not a sound. Absolute bliss.

Swans on the Canal 23 January 2021

 I popped down the check the boat... as I do and was saying to Moss in the car (and yes, I do talk to my dog) that we hadn't seen any swans on the canal this year aaaaand guess what?! There were a pair of swans swimming by the boat. I wish I'd had some bread or something to give them. 

The sky was blue, it was cold and it was bliss.


Thursday 21 January 2021

Signs of Spring

 Not really a post just a scrap book page I did of the Castle Moat yesterday.

Peace and Calm

I'm rather enjoying being home with Moss and finding pleasure in my crafts and simple things. I took a brief look up my garden today and noticed the daffs poking through. Sure sign that spring isn't far away. I think I'm ready for spring and warmer days. This winter seems to have been long and gloomy. Not many clear cold days but rather more dark and gloomy ones. 

Took a walk down the Monty yesterday with Moss. Used the time to check the horse boat for water. There was rather more needing pumping out than I was expecting and no doubt there will be quite a lot more before the weekend given the weather forecast for the week. It seems rather dire. 

The horses trotted down to see us. They normally come running when we have the horse boat out. I think they like to see Cracker.

There were a few ducks about but not as many as usual nor I have I seen any swans or the herons there this year. Maybe they were further up towards Queen's Head and the nature reserve.

The Morda Brook was very full and the ford quite a bit deeper than normal. Roll on spring.

Toodle pip for now. xx

Thursday 7 January 2021

Frosty Thursday

What a glorious, sunshiney, frosty day today was. Woke up to a glorious hard frost and clear blue skies. Simple things make me very happy. Probably just as well really. 

Did a few jobs first thing then called round to the canal to check on the horse boat and walk Moss. I needed to give Moss a gentle walk today as he ran himself stupid yesterday and is suffering for it today. He's getting old but still thinks he's a pup. Same as me. 😅 He was 12 at Christmas, bless him. I think he has arthritis or something as he gets very stiff. I give him something called YuMove but it doesn't  seem to be doing anything for him unfortunately. I have some of the same stuff for humans called IMove but I aren't. 😅😅 

The boat was still afloat and the canal was frozen. Very still and quiet. I bumped into a couple of friends. One who lives on a canal boat and the other who owns the café by the canal. Nice to catch up with them both even if one conversation did entail shouting across the canal to the moored boat.

A few nice photos from today's walk.

The water from the bilge pump made a hole in the ice and the bubbles went across the canal under the ice. Fascinating to watch. 

Some catkins on an alder tree. They were the most gorgeous plum colour. Can't say I've ever seen them before or maybe I have and not paid attention to them. Aren't they just gorgeous?!!!

The real voyage of discovery lies not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

Toodle pip for now.



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